
Helimax Aviation Works To Fight Wildfires in the US

Helimax Aviation, Inc. is continuing the fight against wildfires in the United States. Currently, they are operating four CH-47D Chinooks in California, Oregon, and Montana. Fire season picked up for the company in April of this year, and so far, the fires are showing no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

This season brings the first year that Helimax has utilized the Aerial Suppression Technologies Internal Firefighting tank in two of the CH-47D Chinook aircraft. This new technology has been a game-changer for the firefighters on the ground. This innovative technology allows for pinpoint accuracy not seen before in tanked helicopters. The tanked aircraft and the conventional bucketed aircraft bring an arsenal of tools to the firefighting agencies as needed. Helimax has also equipped its aircraft with Night Vision NVG technology to fight fires at night if the need arises.   

 As the fall approaches and the Santa Ana winds pick up in Southern California, Helimax plans on moving assets south to continue helping combat these potential fires.


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